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Al Zeller

Senior Physicist

Al Zeller began his career in nuclear science, beginning in grad school in the early 70s and continued in nuclear physics until moving to Michigan State University in 1979. There his interest turned to making magnets and other equipment for nuclear physics research. Starting in charged particle optics and spectrometer design it evolved to design and construction of superconducting magnets and radiation damage to magnetic materials. Al was head of experimental facilities department for 17 years. The department was responsible for all magnetic elements, ion sources, cryogenics and liquid helium production. Joining in the successful effort to obtain the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, his interests turned to project management. Al was appointed as Associate Project Manager until his retirement at the end of 2016. Subsequently, Al is a visiting scientist at the National High Magnetic Field Lab at Florida State University where he works on high-field solenoids and as a consultant to Particle Beam Lasers.

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