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  1. A New Medium Field Superconducting Magnet for the EIC. Ongoing Phase II STTR through April 2025, DE-SC0021578 April 2022 $1,1500,000, (SummaryNarrativePresentation, Report)

  2. A New Medium Field Superconducting Magnet for the EIC. Phase I, DE-SC0021578 February 2021 $200,000, (SummaryNarrativePresentationReport). Phase II Funded (see above)

  3. Overpass/Underpass Coil Design for High-Field Dipoles. Phase I, DE-SC002076 June 2020 $200,000, (SummaryNarrativePaperPresentationPhase I Report, Phase II Not Funded (SummaryNarrative)

  4. Quench Protection for a Neutron Scattering Magnet. Phase I, DE-SC0020466 February 2020 $200,000, (SummaryNarrative, Report), Phase II Not Funded (Summary, Narrative)

  5. HTS Solenoid for Neutron Scattering. Phase I, DE-SC0019722 February 2019 $150,000, (SummaryNarrativeReport), Phase II Not Funded (SummaryNarrative)

  6. Field Compensation in Electron-Ion Collider Magnets with Passive Superconducting Shield. Phase I, DE-SC0018614 April 2018 $150,000, (SummaryNarrativeMotivationPaper,   PosterReport), Phase II Not Funded (SummaryNarrative)

  7. Novel Design for High-Field, Large Aperture Quadrupoles for Electron-Ion Collider. Phase I, DE-SC00186 April 2018 $150,000, (SummaryNarrativeMotivationPaperPosterReport), Phase II Not Funded (SummaryNarrative)

  8. Development of an Accelerator Quality High-Field Common Coil Dipole Magnet. Phase I, DE-SC0015896 June 2016 $150,000, (SummaryNarrativePaperTalkReport), Phase II Not Funded (SummaryNarrative)

  9. A Hybrid HTS/LTS Superconductor Design for High-Field Accelerator Magnets. Phase II, DE-SC0011348 April 2016 $999,444, (SummaryNarrativePaperTalkReport)

  10. A Hybrid HTS/LTS Superconductor Design for High-Field Accelerator Magnets. Phase I, DE-SC0011348 February 2014 $150,000, (SummaryNarrativeReport), Phase II Funded (see above)

  11. Dipole Magnet with Elliptical and Rectangular Shielding for a Muon Collider. Phase I, DE-SC000 February 2013 $150,000, (Summary, Narrative, Report), Phase II Not Funded (Summary, Narrative)

  12. Magnet Coil Designs Using YBCO High Temperature Superconductor (HTS). Phase I, DE-SC0007738 February 2012 $150,000, (SummaryNarrativePaper, PosterReport), Phase II Not Funded (SummaryNarrative)

  13. Innovative Design of a High Current Density Nb3Sn Outer Coil for a Muon Cooling Experiment. Phase I, DE-SC0006227 June 2011 $139,936, (SummaryNarrative, Report), Phase II Not Funded (Summary, Narrative)

  14. Study of a Final Cooling Scheme for a Muon Collider Utilizing High Field Solenoids: Cooling Simulations and Design, Fabrication and Testing of Coils. Phase II, DE-FG02-08ER85037 August 2010 $800,000, (SummaryNarrativePaperTalk, Report)

  15. Study of a Muon Collider Dipole System to Reduce Detector Background and Heating. Phase I, DE-SC0004494 June 2010 $100,000, (Summary, MotivationNarrativePaperPoster, Report), Phase II Proposal, “Development of Open-Midplane Dipole Magnets For Muon Accelerators”, Not Funded (Summary, Narrative)

  16. Design of a Demonstration of Magnetic Insulation and Study of its Application to Ionization Cooling. Phase I, DE-SC000221 July 2009 $100,000, (Summary, Narrative, Report), Phase II Not Funded (Summary, Narrative)

  17. Study of a Final Cooling Scheme for a Muon Collider Utilizing High Field Solenoids. Phase I, DE-FG02-08ER85037 June 2008 $100,000, (Summary, Narrative, Paper, Report), Phase II Funded (see above)

  18. A 6-D Muon Cooling System Using Achromat Bends and the Design, Fabrication and Test of a Prototype High Temperature (HTS) Solenoid for the System. Phase II, DE-FG02-07ER84855 August 2008 $850,000, (Summary, Narrative, PaperTalk, Report)

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