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Robert Weggel

Principal Investigator and Senior Engineer

Robert "Bob" Weggel has designed and assisted in the fabrication and testing of magnets of all types: iron-core and air-core; steady-state, long-pulsed and short-pulsed; wire, tape, hollow-conductor and Bitter-disc; solenoidal, racetrack and saddle; and room-temperature, cryogenic, superconducting and “hybrid”. A hybrid combines a large-bore solenoid that is superconducting—and therefore limited by the critical field of its conductor—with concentric, coaxial nested solenoids of strong copper alloys—consumptive of electric power and cooling water, but not limited by ambient field. The Guinness Book of World Records (1980s editions) recognizes Bob's contribution to magnet technology by the citation, “The strongest magnetic field strength has been one of 301 kilogauss at the Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory at MIT, Cambridge, Mass, by Mathias J. Leupold and Robert J. Weggel, announced in July 1977.”

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